There has been a lot of worldwide attention recently on an assassination attempt on the head of state, President Vladimir Putin. However, Russian officials deny such claims that have first come from an anonymous Telegram channel General SVR. Anyway, Mr Putin has already survived several assassination attempts. Please continue reading to find out more about it from a security perspective.
Related articles and rumors about Putins assassination attempt are circulating on the Internet, coming from an anonymous source, a Telegram account called SVR General. Although it has not been confirmed, this information has captured the headlines of all world news. President Putin has been quite popular lately; with his domestic policy and foreign affairs, he has made many enemies at home and abroad.
Russian President Vladimir Putin has become infamous; some even compare him to Adolf Hitler. Accusations on his account keep coming, from the Ukraine war and Western sanctions to war crimes and alleged involvement in Boris Nemtsov's death. Thus, protecting such a person is challenging and demanding for every protection specialist.
Before moving forward, let's introduce Putin's bodyguards. Equivalent to the United States Secret Service protecting present President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump, SBP (СБП—Служба безопасности президента России) is the Russian presidential security service that takes care of Russian Leader, Prime Minister, Russian politicians, and their families and residences. SBP comprises highly trained bodyguards who aren't necessarily former Russian forces but are exceptionally physically fit, highly intelligent, mentally robust, speak foreign languages, and meet the specific height and weight criteria. SBP numbers a few thousand members, and its success rests on a comprehensive approach. It doesn't consist of only bodyguards but other experts, such as intelligence analysts and cyber security specialists.
Every move of the Russian Leader is thoroughly and meticulously planned; Russian intel leaves nothing to chance. Before leaving his official residence, a security advance is conducted that can be days, weeks, and months ahead, including reconnaissance and assessments of all potential threats (e.g., crime, political, terrorism, disasters, crises, public perception, etc.). Emergency support is always ready in the form of incident response teams (CAT/Counter Assault Team or QRF/Quick Reaction Force) comprising heavily armed Russian special forces.
The Presidential security detail consists of four protective layers (like onion rings) when on the ground. The first layer is closest to the President, escorting him in specific protective foot formations that depend on the situation. It is the visible layer protecting overtly and responding to immediate threats. Personal Protection Officers (PPO) on this close protection team wear identical suits, armored vests, bulletproof briefcases/umbrellas, and concealed weapons (Russian 9mm pistols SR-1 Vektor). The second and third layers operate covertly and comprise operatives in plain clothes, positioning themselves within the mass (blending into the crowd) and at the perimeter (access control). Their main task is to identify any unnatural behavior and prevent incidents before taking place. The fourth layer comprises designated sharpshooters positioned on rooftops of surrounding buildings and elevations.
President's motorcade includes two or more security convoys, the one that transports the protected person and others serving as decoys or backups. A convoy consists of several armored vehicles, three to five. One of the vehicles carries the VIP and his Personal Bodyguard, while the rest of the executve protection team occupies other cars. One convoy is high-profile, attracting attention, whereas the others are low-profile. Depending on the situation and strategy, the President can be in any convoy. President's motorcade uses selected, analyzed, and tested routes with several alternatives. Security advance party (SAP) conducts route and venue reconnaissance, preceding the Putins car on his itinerary. The process of vehicle embus/debus is specific, planned in detail, and follows close protection tactics, situation, and environment. Likewise, the movement of cars in convoy on the road is synchronized with a purpose (not letting anyone cut off/block their way).
Now let's get back to the alleged Putin assassination. According to the latest news that relies upon the information from the general GVR Telegram channel, one of Putin's limousines in his motorcade was attacked with the President on board when a loud bang and heavy smoke came from his vehicle, which was trying to avoid a sudden obstacle on the road. Whether or not it was a genuine assault on Putin's life, this couldn't have harmed the President since his Presidential limo (Russian-made Aurus Senat) is equipped to sustain most heavy attacks such as bullets and bombs.
Nevertheless, the threat against Putin is actual and credible more than ever due to clashes between Russian troops and Ukrainian forces continuing in Eastern Ukraine and broader. Many of his supporters and associates are killed. Putin ally Daria Dugina (Darya Dugina), a journalist and the daughter of Alexander Dugin, was killed in a car bomb in August 2022. The President himself has evaded several attacks.
According to Kyrylo Budanov (Chief of the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine), there was an unsuccessful assassination of Putin in the Caucasus. Mr Budanov didn't give or know who was behind the plot, the exact time and place. Also, there are some suspicions if it has even happened. In 2012, a Chechen man, Adam Osmayev, was captured and convicted for terrorism and planning to kill Putin.
In Azerbaijan in 2002, an Iraqi was arrested for plotting to kill Putin on a visit to this country. From a Kremlin insider, the perpetrator is linked to insurgents in Afghanistan and Chechenia. Also, another attack was foiled the same year as the Russian security service discovered 40kg of explosives on a route where the President's motorcade should have passed.
President Volodymyr Zelensky and his army continued providing military resistance to the Russian invasion. According to Euro Weekly News, President Putin has ordered partial military mobilization, which has caused lots of disapproval from Russians. Airports in Moscow and St Petersburg are crowded with many fighting-ready men trying to flee the country. So, Putin's politics can lead to increased threats against his life, even a coup d'etat in the future. It will be an arduous task for SBP to keep him safe from emerging dangers. It remains to be seen.
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Rakita Zika is the founder and owner of Nemesis Protection. He provides close protection services globally, has a military background, and possesses extensive experience in all threat environments within over 50 countries, including the US, the UK, Russia, China, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand, India, Puerto Rico, Haiti, Nigeria, Kenya, Sierra Leon, South Africa, Libya, Iraq, and others. For services, training, and professional advice, contact and follow him on LinkedIn.
Nemesis Protection is a trading name of Nemesis Global LLC with offices in New York City, Los Angeles, London, and Port Moresby.
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